
Within the retail domain you can look at things from different angles. That makes it difficult but also interesting. Because I have worked on all sides of retail, I can make the translation between departments and governance.

State of Retail and Engagement in the United States | 60 minutes 

In this one hour session we will review how retail in the United States got into the position it is in, the impact of Amazon and online retailing, and what European retailers can do to avoid the same fate.

Best Practices in High Touch Retail | 60 minutes

In this one hour session we will take a look at how data is collected by systems and sensors in your retail locations and how to visualize that data to personalize every sales interaction offline.

Retail Technology and the Shopper Connection  | 120 minutes

in this two hour session we will deep dive into all the different types of technology that are touching both online and offline retail: from Blockchain through mobile down to digital signage.  This interactive presentation will certainly inspire you to look at your retail stores in a different way and with unlimited opportunity.

Inspiration and Ideation  | 120 minutes

All sessions should be followed by a guided one to two hour inspiration and ideation discussion starting your teammates facilitated by Andy Austin.