
Andy is giving the free retail tour on Monday, February 27th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Sign up now.

Euroshop Retail Tour 2023

“Inspirational EuroShop tours with Andy Austin, American Retail Experience Veteran”

Join Andy Austin on a personalized tour of the inspirational and future-thinking retail vendors throughout the EuroShop exhibit hall.  We will have frank one-on-one discussions about the current and future state of shopper engagement at retail while viewing technology that is in place today and some technology that does or does not belong at retail.  

With a focus on understanding your shoppers’ frame of mind when they enter your locations and what their desired connections should be at retail, we will visit booths that include omnichannel solutions, analytics/reporting systems, digital signage, and customer interactives.  Come join Andy to talk about what’s happening around the world and what shoppers are coming to expect at retail.

• Shopper Tracking Systems

• Loyalty Schemes

• Customer Relationship Management Software

• In-Store Interactives

Each tour will be custom tailored to your brand and the interactions your customers are having with it inside and outside your retail locations.  We will talk about online and offline engagement for your shoppers and use EuroShop’s cutting edge booths as the backdrop to begin to solve some problems.  I hope you’ll join us.



Euroshop 2023